{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (270 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (101 - 200 of 270)

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0.5.0 (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#145 make DeadReferenceError qualify as RemoteException error-handling closed wontfix 0.4.1 enhancement major 01/11/2010
#100 timestamps: use fully qualified, unambiguous, standard format logging closed fixed 0.3.0 defect major 12/28/2009
#109 make "flogtool", "flappclient", and "flappserver" executables that work on Windows logging closed fixed 0.3.0 enhancement major 12/28/2009
#134 flappclient should os.expanduser() the --furlfile argument usability closed fixed 0.4.1 defect major 10/04/2009

0.5.1 (1 match)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#149 O(n**2) CPU/malloc during receive of large strings performance closed fixed 0.5.0 defect major 03/26/2010

0.6.0 (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#131 appserver.xhtml not installed in /usr/share/doc/python-foolscap in debian package packaging closed fixed 0.4.1 defect minor 12/05/2010
#166 DeprecationWarnings on startup unknown closed fixed 0.5.1 defect major 01/16/2011
#144 incident writer must survive disk-full situations logging closed fixed 0.4.1 defect major 12/05/2010
#122 "from foolscap import api" usability closed fixed 0.3.0 defect major Brian Warner 12/05/2010
#156 setup.py packages= is wrong: use foolscap.logging not foolscap/logging packaging closed fixed 0.4.1 defect major 12/04/2010
#111 Incident filename timestamps: TZ, UTC, ISO-8601 please logging closed fixed 0.3.0 enhancement major 08/09/2010
#154 FLOGTOTWISTED=1 doesn't honor FLOGLEVEL= logging closed fixed 0.4.1 defect major 08/09/2010
#62 tests fail with pyOpenSSL-0.7 + Twisted-8.1.0 negotiation closed fixed 0.2.5 defect major 08/08/2010
#157 flappclient 'upload-file' error-handling bug error-handling closed fixed 0.5.1 defect major 08/08/2010
#167 fatal AttributeError on startup with Twisted 10.2.0 negotiation closed fixed 0.5.1 defect critical Brian Warner 03/15/2011

0.6.1 (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#165 eventual.py has two unnecessary lines unknown closed fixed 0.5.1 defect trivial 01/16/2011
#169 add rref.getDataLastReceivedAt() unknown closed fixed 0.5.1 enhancement major 01/16/2011

0.6.2 (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#180 WindowsError: [Error 183] from foolscap.test.test_logging.Filter.test_basic on Windows logging closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major Brian Warner 04/14/2015
#184 testsuite failure with openssl 1.0.0d pyopenssl 0.12 unknown closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major 10/08/2011
#176 support multiple log gatherers passed in as API arguments instead of through a file logging closed fixed 0.6.1 enhancement major 10/07/2011
#178 OSError from foolscap.test.test_appserver.RunCommand.test_run on Windows unknown closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major 06/09/2011
#173 incompatibility with Twisted trunk due to setting self.transport.protocol banana closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major 06/05/2011
#177 writing an incident flogfile tries to use characters not valid in a Windows filename (':') logging closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major 06/05/2011
#175 foolscap's "in between releases" version numbers are Irrational packaging closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major 06/05/2011

0.6.3 (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#106 KeyError from self.myReferenceByCLID[clid] unknown closed fixed 0.3.0 defect major 01/04/2012
#185 test failures against Twisted-11.1.0 negotiation closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major 01/04/2012

0.6.4 (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#192 flogtool dump should have a "Seconds Since Epoch" option for formatting output timestamps. logging closed fixed 0.6.1 defect trivial zancas 06/09/2012
#191 flogtool dump --help usage message needs minor tweaks. documentation closed fixed 0.6.1 defect trivial zancas 06/04/2012
#195 don't log "Duplicate Connection" NegotiationErrors so noisily negotiation closed fixed 0.6.1 defect minor 06/18/2012
#197 improve git-foolscap docs documentation closed fixed 0.6.1 defect minor 06/18/2012
#174 foolscap 0.6.1 has no such extra feature 'secure_connections' packaging closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major Brian Warner 06/18/2012
#194 using tub.setOption("bridge-twisted-logs") multiple times causes duplicate messages logging closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major 06/18/2012
#196 list-mutation race in Tub.stopService unknown closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major 06/15/2012
#193 add --timestamps, --just-numbers, and --rx-time options to 'flogtool tail' logging closed fixed 0.6.1 enhancement major 06/09/2012
#190 log gatherer fails to process more incidents when processing a given incident fails (e.g. due to serialization problems) logging closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major Brian Warner 06/09/2012

0.6.5 (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#202 'python setup.py trial' and 'python setup.py test' should work packaging closed fixed 0.6.4 defect minor Brian Warner 09/24/2014
#204 false positive test failure in test_logging.Dumper.test_oops_furl on Windows unknown closed fixed 0.6.4 defect minor davidsarah 08/04/2014
#209 flappclient assumes input from stdin will not be unicode appserver closed fixed 0.6.4 defect major zancas 08/12/2014
#215 change "install_requires" in setup.py to reflect requirement of 2.5.0 of Twisted packaging closed fixed 0.6.4 defect major 08/12/2014
#224 need Twisted 14 compatibility packaging closed fixed 0.6.4 defect major 08/12/2014
#225 incompatibility with Twisted 14.0 packaging closed duplicate 0.6.4 defect major Brian Warner 08/12/2014
#211 remove dead code unknown closed fixed 0.6.4 defect major 09/29/2013
#210 incompatibility with Twisted 13.1.0 -- twisted.web.client has no attribute '_parse' packaging closed fixed 0.6.4 defect major 09/29/2013
#201 make Violation messages for arguments and answers include the method name error-handling closed fixed 0.6.4 enhancement major davidsarah 09/29/2013

0.7.0 (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#216 tolerate more TCP endpoint syntax negotiation closed fixed 0.6.4 defect major 09/23/2014
#217 Make foolscap forward-compatible with Twisted Endpoints negotiation closed fixed 0.6.4 task major str4d 09/23/2014
#214 documentation misrendered documentation closed fixed 0.6.4 defect major Brian Warner 09/23/2014
#226 store flappserver services in JSON, not separate files appserver closed fixed 0.6.5 defect major Brian Warner 09/21/2014
#148 use ReST for documentation, not Lore documentation closed fixed 0.4.1 task major Brian Warner 09/15/2014

0.8.0 (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#125 foolscap.call.CopiedFailure.printTraceback wants log.logerr, but it doesn't exist. logging closed fixed 0.5.1 defect minor 09/24/2014
#179 "KeyError: '\n'" from foolscap.test.test_logging.Filter.test_basic on Windows unknown closed fixed 0.6.1 defect major davidsarah 04/14/2015
#141 use better SSL certificates unknown closed fixed 0.4.1 defect major Brian Warner 04/14/2015
#163 investigate SSL_write() efficiency performance closed fixed 0.5.1 task major 04/14/2015
#231 hush "missing service_identity" warning from Twisted packaging closed fixed 0.7.0 defect major 04/14/2015
#232 fix pypy unknown closed duplicate 0.7.0 defect major 03/21/2015
#67 remove UnauthenticatedTub usability closed fixed 0.2.5 task major 03/21/2015

0.9.0 (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#240 reinstate "extra" named `foolscap[secure_connections]` packaging closed wontfix 0.7.0 defect minor 09/20/2015
#241 remove unused/confusing Tub(options=) usability closed fixed 0.7.0 task minor 09/16/2015
#236 pluggable connection hints, plan for Tor network closed fixed 0.7.0 enhancement major 09/21/2015
#208 accept the null connection hints network closed fixed 0.6.4 defect major 09/21/2015
#234 test failure on Fedora in test_tub.CancelPendingDeliveries.test_cancel_pending_deliveries unknown closed fixed 0.6.4 defect major 09/20/2015
#126 Allow application code to decide whether or not to accept a gift introduction closed fixed 0.3.0 defect major 09/16/2015
#228 replace Lore-based hosted HTML docs with pointers to github .rst files dev-infrastructure closed fixed 0.7.0 task major 09/15/2015
#239 remove shared Listeners negotiation closed fixed 0.7.0 defect major 09/14/2015
#235 test failures with Twisted-15.2.0 logging closed fixed 0.7.0 defect major 06/14/2015

eventually (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#143 add PONG-sending timer unknown new 0.4.1 enhancement minor 01/16/2011
#21 log failures better: add caller stack logging new 0.1.6 enhancement major 02/16/2013
#83 new-style classes banana new 0.2.9 task major 12/23/2015
#88 incident-gatherer needs web interface logging new 0.3.0 enhancement major 10/04/2009
#127 give up on resource-consumption defenses schemas new 0.4.1 task major 12/05/2010
#135 flappserver: add upload-tree usability new 0.4.1 enhancement major 01/11/2010
#136 flappserver run-command: add --one-at-a-time, --merge-requests usability new 0.4.1 enhancement major 01/11/2010
#139 logging: send all failure= arguments to twisted.python.log logging new 0.4.1 enhancement major 01/11/2010
#147 NoneType is not callable error in RemoteReferenceTracker unknown new 0.4.1 defect major 10/08/2011
#181 foolscap.test.test_negotiate.Crossfire[Reverse].test1 fail on Windows unknown new 0.6.1 defect major 10/08/2011
#212 replace foolscap.test.common.ShouldFailMixin.shouldFail with twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase.failUnlessFailure ? unknown new 0.6.4 defect major 01/12/2017
#269 HTTP-to-foolscap doesn't yield useful error negotiation new 0.12.3 defect major 09/15/2016
#272 rewrite Reconnector using t.a.i.ClientService network new 0.12.5 task major 12/15/2016
#273 SHA1 is broken negotiation new 0.12.5 defect major 02/24/2017
#199 possible corruption in git-foolscap unknown closed duplicate 0.6.3 defect major 09/20/2014
#182 get buildbot running dev-infrastructure closed fixed 0.6.1 task major 12/18/2011

undecided (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#19 consider allowing access to the Tub's private SSL key for sealing/unsealing unknown new 0.1.5 enhancement minor 09/01/2007
#27 Changelog doesn't appear in Ubuntu update manager packaging new 0.1.7 defect minor 10/10/2007
#53 flogtool tail/dump need event filters logging new 0.2.5 defect minor 03/25/2008
#54 flogtool tail/dump should have color-coded output for different tubids logging new 0.2.4 enhancement minor 07/01/2008
#68 compute tubid from the root of a certificate chain usability new 0.2.5 enhancement minor 05/19/2009
#69 build cred for foolscap? usability new 0.2.5 enhancement minor 05/19/2009
#91 show overload-caused gaps in the event log logging new 0.3.0 enhancement minor 08/21/2008
#151 Accept I2P destinations network new 0.5.0 enhancement minor duck 01/12/2017
#168 keep last Incident in RAM to help debug disk-full conditions logging new 0.5.1 enhancement minor 01/15/2011
#171 missing copyright headers unknown new 0.6.1 enhancement minor 10/08/2011
#189 bad swissnum in logGathererFurl is hard to diagnose error-handling new 0.6.1 defect minor zancas 04/01/2012
#198 improve handling of code errors during negotiation negotiation new 0.6.3 defect minor 06/18/2012
#254 log message: "pre-0.2.0 peer detected" (when all peers are recent) negotiation new 0.9.1 defect minor 04/07/2016
#264 use new IHandshakeListener negotiation new 0.12.0 task minor 08/27/2016
#253 add option to disable gifts introduction closed duplicate 0.9.1 task minor 04/03/2016
#150 HTTP proxy support negotiation closed wontfix 0.5.0 enhancement minor duck 10/04/2013
#29 Passing third-party references causes assertion error unknown closed invalid defect minor 11/09/2007
#4 improve CopiedFailure processing error-handling new 0.1.4 defect major 01/11/2010
#10 better control over unexpected-exception logging logging new 0.1.5 enhancement major 01/11/2010
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