#15 closed defect (fixed)
Nit Picking: minor corrections will increase clarity of "using-foolscap.html"
Reported by: | arch_o_median | Owned by: | None |
Priority: | trivial | Milestone: | 0.1.7 |
Component: | documentation | Version: | 0.1.5 |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Section: Clients vs Servers, Names and Capabilities
"...contact the servre." should be "...contact the server."
Section: Invoking Methods, Method Arguments
Typos: "...(making you you don't pass anything over..." should be "...(making sure you don't pass anything over ..."
"The caller's Deferred with fire with..." should be "The caller's Deferred will fire with..."
Section: Tokens
Novice's Misinterpretation:
"The body (if present) has a length dictated by the magnitude of the header."
Initially I thought perhaps the length (up to 64 bits) of the header could be used to infer the length of the body... but I think what is meant is that the header (in part) explicitly specifies the length of the body. If this is what was meant then I became confused by the use of the word "magnitude" here. Perhaps simply excising "the magnitude of" would make the meaning clearer? Or perhaps I still misunderstand.
"Banana protocol has single" should be "Banana protocol has a single"
"addtional" should be "additional"
Change History (2)
comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by
Milestone: | undecided → 0.1.7 |
I changed that body-length-from-header sentence to read:
How's that sound?
I fixed the other changes. Thanks!