Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#12 new enhancement

schema checks as precondition tools

Reported by: Brian Warner Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: undecided
Component: schemas Version: 0.1.5
Keywords: Cc:


robk would like the following function:

def check(constraint, target):
        constraint.checkObject(target, True)
        return True
    except Violation:
        return False

I'm thinking that it would be slick to put this sort of stuff into a decorator, so that you could define your method as:

    @schema(a=str, b=ListOf(int), _return=bool)
    def do_something(a, b):
        print a + " string only"
        print "maximum b", max(b)
        return True

The @schema decorator should do two things:

  • wrap the method with some precondition/postcondition checks that enforce the schema on both ends
  • set a method attribute that foolscap's deserialization mechanism can see, so that it can enforce the schema on the inbound tokens as they arrive, before they are deserialized.

This approach moves the constraint closer to the method definition, which has its advantages: programmers can glance upwards to see the conditions they know they can rely upon, and thus don't have to add code to enforce those constraints themselves. This also allows constraints to be attached to some methods but not to all of them, and would allow constraints on standalone functions (not just on methods of class instances).

On the other hand, the RemoteInterface? approach has advantages too. It moves the interface away from the implementation, but by doing so it means that the interface is a concentrated bundle of documentation, which is easy to publish and reference. For one program, I implemented the server half of it and emailed the RemoteInterface? .py file to zooko, and he implemented the client half of it without seeing any details of the server implementation. InterfacesAsDocumentation? is a useful thing.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Brian Warner

Component: unknownschemas
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